Page 7 - LPG March 2018 Newsletter
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Luxury Products Group LPG News March 2018
Who is going to ICFF in May? Please send Jeff a message if you would like to meet up.
Who is going to the Architectural Digest show in April in NYC? Please message as well - not sure if this is as big a show, but it may hold some value for the Northeast as a day trip event.
Bravo Business Media is working on not just maintaining our web platform but helping manage the social media for LPG. Mary Jo Martin is now on staff at Bravo, and they will be helping with communications, and the additional support LPG needs in terms of press releases and publishing.
CAPS training – a few of you mentioned how nice it would be to have a source for CAPS training. While at some point I will arrange regional meetings, I thought it would be appropriate to send you the contact information I have for a training source.
Steve Hoffacker, has been awarded the 2015 trainer of the year. He is able to do smaller classes, and you may be able to work with other local builder organizations to set up an event. Here is what you need to do to coordinate the event:
01. Plan for 3 days, 6 hours a day of training for CAPS certi cation.
Find a comfortable venue for the event ( you pay for, or host) and be sure to have breakfast, and lunch brought in ( maybe have a vendor help sponsor the event, or pay for yourself).
02. Costs are $300 per day, per student. Discounted rates if you are part of a builders association ( see website
03. Steve doesn’t charge for travel or room.
Please contact Steve directly to set up your CAPS training. His contact information is on the website.

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