Luxury Products Group Advisory Committee Meeting
Planning for Continued Success
By Kaitlyn Isola | IMARK | Director of Marketing
After more than two years apart, due to COVID related restrictions, the Advisory Committee once again came together in person.
Advisory Board
The Luxury Products Group Advisory Board, of whom are critical to the success and growth of the organization, continuously offer compelling industry insight, suggestions for group expansion and a highly informed and enthusiastic opinion on how LPG can best server its members. This group, carefully selected and nominated by previous LPG committee members, is made up of industry leaders who have achieved professional and personal success in their respective markets and have taken great lengths to ensure the preservation of independent distribution.
After more than two years apart, due to COVID related restrictions, the Advisory Committee once again came together in person, at Central Arizona Supply in Mesa, Arizona, and spent a highly productive day discussing future group aspirations, opportunities for improvement and ways to ensure longevity. Luxury Products Group Executive Director Jeff MacDowell said “The advisory committee is critical to the success of Luxury Products Group. Having the opportunity to coordinate an in-person meeting gave the committee and myself the chance to discuss several strategic initiatives, craft impactful long-term plans and share our thoughts on the direction of the industry. A great deal was accomplished from our time together and the group can expect great things in the not-too-distant future. I would like to thank Central Arizona Supply for hosting us, it was a pleasure meeting at one of their 13 locations.”
Kate Brady, Director of Showrooms at General Plumbing Supply, said “I certainly enjoyed the meeting and am glad to see the group talking about an elevated brand strategy. Luxury products Group has much more than rebates to offer its members and I look forward to seeing awareness of our offerings increase.”
Don Smith, President of Central Arizona Supply, said “I was very impressed by this meeting. It was a pleasure to host the committee and have everyone together again disusing a range of important Luxury Products Group topics. Neither business nor life has been especially easy within the last couple of years. The difficulty in receiving products, lockdowns, never ending price increases, connected with a large growth in sales, just shows the resilience within our group. As for the future, there is much to be excited about. There will once again be in person meetings, new vendors, new products, business adjustments, and most important, discussions with likeminded members on how to improve and celebrate our businesses.”